
Your Career Starts Here

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin…

By calsuadmin | Uncategorized


Research comprises “creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.


Engage provides opportunities to promote good practice, support diversity and accessibility and helps practitioners develop their careers in gallery education and arts education, including an international annual conference, briefing days and an international summer school.


In organizational behavior and industrial and organizational psychology, organizational commitment is the individual’s psychological attachment to the organization.


Innovation can be defined simply as a “new idea, device or method”. However, innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs.

Insignias and Other Representations

The university coat of arms was adopted in 1921, following the recommendations of the university’s senate to adopt the coat of arms of the province of California as its emblem, with the addition of an open book superimposed upon the cross and a new motto. The coat of arms had undergone a number of changes, with the arms changing in the 1950s in keeping with the graphic style of the time, and in the early-1990s, in the university’s efforts to have their arms gain official heraldic authority. The latest design was completed in 1994, being registered with the American Heraldic Authority on 31 May 1994, and was presented to the university on 13 June 1994…

Investment in Health and Science

$1.6 billion in construction has been undertaken at the university related to fields in health and science. The projects expand the California South University’s research capacity in the field of health. Over the past five years, the California South University has averaged nearly $500 million in external research funding a year. The funding is expected to increase due to added research and teaching capacity.

Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science

A major project, completed in the spring of 2011 with a grand opening on September 23, 2011, was the $400-million…


Student Life

The student body of the California South University is represented by two students’ unions, the  California South University Students’ Union for all undergraduate students, and the Graduate Student Association for all graduate students. In addition, a number of the university’s academic programs also manage their own student representative body. Students within the residences are represented by a number of associations, primarily the California South University Residence Halls Association. There are more than 450 student organizations and clubs, covering a wide range of interests such as academics, culture, religion, social…




California South University (CSU), Irvine, California, USA.

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